The Missing RGM Watch Made for Terry Bradshaw

A few years ago we were approached by a representative of the Friars Club to make a watch for football legend Terry Bradshaw. The watch had to be ready before Super Bowl XLIX, so that it could be gifted to him in Arizona that week.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the entire country was battling some kind of inclement weather, and Terry’s arrival in Arizona was delayed. The Friars Club decided that they would have to reschedule the surprise presentation, and determined that it would be presented to him at an upcoming luncheon in New York.

We found out many months later the watch was missing and no one knew what happen to it. Presumably it was lost or stolen in Arizona during pre-game Super Bowl festivities that week.

Knowing that Terry would never receive this watch, disappointment set in at RGM. This is the first time we are showing full photos of the custom RGM 151 bearing Terry Bradshaw’s signature on the dial.